3 Week Play and Learn Board and Train

3 Week Play and Learn Board and Train
Getting your dog to do things for you and getting them to want to do things for you are different concepts and achieve different relationships with your dog.
You can certainly coerce your dog into listening to you when they don’t want to or teach them that listening gets them food. However, a much more meaningful relationship is developed through the highest form of social interaction for you dog, play. Happy, healthy dogs who have their needs met love to play. We don’t have to deprive your dog of food or affection for play to be successful and when your dog understands the games we play, it will be a much stronger reinforcer than food or treats will ever be. Through play, we can develop the language and obedience you need for your pup to live a happy, confident, safe lifestyle while satisfying their genetic needs to bite, chase, and fetch, as well as their genetic need for social interaction which will result in you becoming the most interesting thing in the environment.
This package is designed for dogs without any anxiety or aggression issues and will attempt to develop the concept of play into a reinforcer, a means of communication, and then a means of developing a high level social interaction with your best friend which fulfills them on a genetic level.
Your pup will live with a trainer at their house for 3 weeks!
Can include an electronic collar from E-Collar Technologies and Herm-Sprenger prong collar for off-leash and on-leash reliability
Will develop the fundamentals and rules of fetch and tug within the time allowance
Can include commands of “out”, “come”,” sit”, “place”, “heel”, “down”, leash manners and door manners.
Will cater to any specific issues with your dog
Can proof commands for distance, duration, and in distraction holding commands until released
Commands proofed off-leash where applicable
Impulse control for doors, food, and people
Updates every single day
2-4 hour in-home turnover (within 2 hours of Massanutten) to make sure you know how to maintain the training and develop your new relationship with your dog!
Lifetime refresher lessons at the park in Massanutten should you need any help transitioning the dog home or even if you let things slip a little
50% discount on a consultation for help getting started before Board and Train start date.
For dogs at least 5 months old
Rushed scheduling is available for a 30% surcharge.
*Military, First Responder, and Multiple Dog discounts can be applied!!
*All Board and Train purchases must be paid and full and have returned signed contracts before scheduling.